Score : 34/39


I got this one wrong because each value has equal probability, versus splitting up the dice which would make certain probabilities more, and 1 cannot be included so E is correct.


The answer is wrong because the reverse of “nono” is “onon” and since these two strings are not equal, the method will return false and the answer is E


The answer is wrong because all 3 statements are correct. Statement two only runs once so it wont print anything, and Statement three only contains odd numbers so it wont print anything since % 2 wont do anything, and the answer is E


This answers is wrong because the first one just runs each segment of code versus only running if it has a certain condition, which would be checked in else if and else, so only two works.


This answer is wrong because as it loops through, it creates less and less X’s into the code and the one i selected would be possible if there was for loops checking for even or odd.