Proof of Completion (Score: 33/52)




I was right initially, but I was somehow convinced by Nicholas Ramos that I was wrong, when I was in fact very right.


Again, Nicholas Ramos made me rethink my answer and I made a silly blunder when I had the right answer within my grasp.


Wrong because I forgot to look at the actual return statement, which prints out the value of the substring rather than printing out 1 when true.


I didn’t fully read the students.set(), because I thouhgt it was printing out Alex first, then the students after, but it is reversed instead.


Wrong because I initially forgot to take into account the starting of count at 0, even though that is typical of code. I instead thought of the first index as 1, and it screwed up the whole problem from there, so the correct answer is E


I genuinely just miscounted the a’s in the words, simple fix


I misread the > as a <, which made me think it was saying whenever j+k is greater then is adds a value, but it is the opposite that whenever j+k is less than it adds,


It isnt C because the .size()-1 for this case shouldnt be applies to the sizeOfList because that is the one getting looped in the for loop, on the k should get the -1


I thought it was an out of bounds exception because I thought the +2 would go to 6 and it would not be within the bounds, but turns out it stops before the 5th iteration because it is < and -1, making the answer C


In this question I was partially right, because I understood the algorithm, but didn’t realize that whenever the list added and deleted elements, it would loop through the new list instead of the old one, which messed me up.


I have no idea how I got this wrong, because it is very easy, I must have been tired since I did this quiz very late at night. The mistake was that everything was printed, not just the stuff in quotes.


I got this wrong because I didn’t realize it printed just the index and not the value itself, which is a careless mistake


For some reason I thought howFar was the size of the string, rather than the clearly obvious word.length(), which made me impulsively clicky click the out of bounds, when the correct answer is C


This one I got wrong, because I didnt realize it took the shortest one out of all 3 values, I think I may have guessed on this one. But D is correct because it takes the shortest of the values until it reaches the 4th index where it can only pick the 4th option


I thought for some reason this one added both j and k values to the sm, but it just checks which one of the indexes are greater or less than the j value.


For some reason I guess that I forgot valueList didn’t need to be called again if its defined within the variable, which is why I thought 3 was wrong, but it is right and makes D correct.


I just glossed over the fact that it printed the same k value for the j value, which makes it the second term in the second row, not the second row first term etc etc.


I tried to understand this one, but I was tired and it was the last one so I just guessed on this one, The answer is E because every time the value of val % 2 is 1, then it changes the original 0 to a X, but it stops after the 4th one because the loop stops.


I need to focus more, and carefully pay attention to the tiny details within the for loops of a problem, especially when the problems are simple.