Score : 34/40


I got this one wrong because it didn’t know the syntax (Object x: array) would set the variable x to that variable within the list rather than just the variable’s index. So the right answer in this case e, v.getMileage(), because the variable doesn’t need to be called from the array anymore in order to get the index.


The answer is wrong because when you substring(3 + 1, word.length()) + substring(0 , 3), the 3 is not included when you print the result of those two strings being added together, so the answer is ilercom rather than pilercom


I’m going to be 100% honest, I did not see the top part when doing this problem, which resulted in my error because I thought it was just the little part was the whole problem. The answer is c because every loop of mystery generates the value of the [index] + [index + 1] when printing.


This answer is wrong because when it goes through the loop, I thought since it was multiplying by n each time that the n would be the exponent. However, this is not the case since the base would actually be 4, since it’s going to be multiplied by 4 each time.


This answer is wrong because I thought the loop would end after the sum reached 12, then it would print 12. However, this is wrong because I failed to recognize that k is never increased throughout the loop, so the while loop is always true and will never stop running and print an error.


This answer is wrong because when printing, it prinst from bottom going up not the other way around, which is what I thought it was, so the answer is c rather than a

Unit HW’s 1-6

Unit 1 - Primitives

  • Understanding of the definition of primitives that describe what something will return, like a boolean or a double

    Unit 2 - Objects

  • Understanding of how to create objects ( Painter myPainter = new Painter() ), classes, return types and access modifiers

    Unit 3 - Booleans

  • Understanding of ! && “or” == /= and traversing through to fine true/false

    Unit 4 - Iteration

  • Looping with for, while, and if loops and common practices

    Unit 5 - Writing Classes - Our lesson, No HW :)

    Unit 6 - Array

  • Declaring an array int[] array = new int[10], traversing through arrays w/ for loops

Final Reflection

This trimester started off great. Starting off, I had good work ethics, doing work efficiently and not procrastinating till Sundays to do it all. However, it became very clear as the year progressed that my work started going down a slippery slope, and I resolved to doing most of my work on Sundays for this class, which did end up getting me slash-slash-slashed a little bit, a few weeks ago. I still fared off well regarding the assignments, and I went understood most of the material that was pushed out by you Mr.Mortensen. However, it did take ma little longer to understand the Arraylists. Going through the Code.Org was especially helpful to give me the basics of creating objects, creating fastpages and notebooks was fun, and I enjoyed finally getting to work on our PBL! Our PBL went great, as I was the Front-end Developer and I am proud to say that I’m pretty good at that stuff (HTML-CSS-JS). It was a little bit chaotic communicating between two groups, with some people not responding, then eventually switching from spring-portfolio to fastpages, but it all ended up working out in the very end.